In light of all that has transpired this past week are you feeling a little guilty getting back to your normal? I’m certain that for most if not all of us, we are somewhat going through the motions as the events are still front of mind.
Resuming our daily lives doesn’t have to mean that we push the events that occurred to the side or
forgetting that for scores of people and their families life has forever changed.
When we feel out of control anxiety can take over, so to experience even a margin of victory over that
paralyzing emotion another emotion needs to take hold. What about a renewed attentiveness to kindness? Yes, let’s harness the energy of a positive emotion that can propel us forward as we combat the overwhelming negativity that surrounds us now.
As a champion of kindness, I probably come across as unrealistic and even naïve to many who follow my tweets and read my blog posts. But I choose kindness…always! However, as many people quote, “don’t mistake my kindness for weakness.”
I refuse to allow the recent tragedies to take me hostage and reduce my belief in humanity. In fact, I feel an increased urgency to be even more generous with my random acts of kindness toward others.
As we experienced after 911, there was a renewed bonding among the citizens of the United States. As the entire world is experiencing one form or another of terrorism, we truly need to stand together arm in arm.
Let’s all join together in kindness and appreciation of each other – we are all in this together. If we focus on how we are more alike than different, we can accomplish anything as we work together in
harmony… beginning with kindness.
Personally, I feel a responsibility to bump up my demonstrations of kindness, one person, one act at a
time. Time to pay it forward and be the example of all that is good!
Join me?