• DTN Program Highlights:

    Everyday Business Etiquette

  • Take the confusion out of everyday courtesies – what’s appropriate and what’s necessary? This program will enable you to stand out as a leader in business style and savvy.

    Learn today’s contemporary approach to timeless issues and how to get more out of each moment rather than second-guessing what to do. When should you present your business card, what to do if you forget someone’s name, how to make an introduction, social media etiquette, business casual dress, and more!

    This isn’t charm school, but manners matter for those who want to stand out and away from the crowd of self-absorbed behaviors.

  • Presentation Topics Include:

    Contemporary Manners

    What's in, what's out?

    Greetings and Introductions

    In the hallways, on elevators, in meetings.

    Handshaking, fist-bumping, and hugging

    Where are we now, and what's appropriate?

    Giving and Receiving Business Cards

    Meeting Manners

    Arriving late, existing early, where to sit, staying on point.

    Virtual Manners for Zoom Meetings

    Gender-free Etiquette Updates

    The etiquette of body language and the importance of approachability

    Is it okay to bluff?

    Remembering names and what to do if you forget.

    Cubicle/Workspace Manners

    How to handle interruptions and distractions.

    Email Dos and Taboos

    Greetings and closures, signature/contact info, subject lines, who to cc, distribution lists that annoy.

    Cell Phone Etiquette

    How to be available and when to put the phone away.

    Verbal diplomacy, responsibility, jargon, slang, and cliches.

    Visual Image

    Professional dress dos and don'ts.

    Mindfully Present Courtesies

    Things people often forget to say or do.

  • Because the word "etiquette" can be off-putting, a fun quiz is part of the discussion to encourage engagement.

    1. Who offers their hand first to initiate a handshake - man or woman, or does it matter?
    2. When do you call someone by their first name – is it when they call you by your first name?
    3. What is a good voicemail announcement – and how often should it be changed?
    4. Do all calls have to be returned the same day –or is within 24 hours acceptable?
    5. When do you present your business card – and what is the correct “way” to present your card?
    6. What is “power seating” - is there a difference between the power seat and the guest of honor seat?
    7. What is appropriate gender etiquette - should men hold doors, pull out chairs and help women with their coats?
    8. How early should you arrive for a meeting –and what should you do when arriving late?
    9. What denotes cubicle courtesy, and how should you handle hovering?
    10. How much should you tip at a restaurant when the service is terrible - leave a penny, 5% less, or…?
    11. When should you discuss business during a meal - while waiting for your food to arrive, over dessert, or…?
    12. Which foods should you never order when wishing to impress your guest – and what about alcohol?
    13. What is investment dressing - and precisely what is “business casual?”
    14. What does your office reveal about you and your professional style?
    15. Which non-verbal signals will make you appear approachable or unapproachable?
    16. What is diplomacy vs. schmooze?
    17. Which slang expressions should never be used?
    18. What do you do if you forget someone’s name - bluff your way through and hope for the best?
    19. What is a significant email taboo?
    20. In a formal introduction, who should be introduced to whom?

    Note: Average time frame for program is 2.5-3 hours.

    Participants will realize that etiquette, courtesy, and basic good manners will have a significant impact and distinct advantage on their business and relationship results.