Have you ever noticed that some people just get it right – the way they carry themselves, the way they speak, even the way they dress? In other words, they have given “it” some thought followed by effort.
And with a touch of élan, the seemingly mundane daily occurrences we each take part in can have an opportunity to sparkle a bit more. One example: instead of answering with only “yes” when asked the question “Would you care for more iced tea?” by a restaurant server, how about adding “please” to the “yes” – “yes, please!”
Simple enough, right? In today’s frenetic pace of being constantly accessible, maybe behaviors with the oomph of élan are far from “top of mind” as we go about meeting the demands of the day.
So here is what I’m doing…I’m logging my moments of mindfulness. While attempting to ramp up my behavior, I’m taking notes on myself. A few things I’m focusing on include:
- Making “better” eye contact – people need to know I’ve heard them
- Double-checking to make sure I have acknowledged people in all of my interactions – meetings, hallways, elevators…a quick greeting is significant to them
- Walking with a purpose, but not racing to my destination with a harried look of frustration (at myself) while ignoring people in my path
- When making any request, adding “please” – simple yet important as it eliminates the perception of being demanding
- Watching my tone – oh yes, I can sound less than welcoming when interrupted
- Evaluating dismissiveness within my communication – “let’s move this along” attitudes that make people feel, well…dismissed and less than important at that moment
- Practicing patience in all things is forcing me to slow down a tad
- Sending more handwritten notes of appreciation for the little things that truly matter
- Responding to negative snarky comments with positivity rather than silence
- Rereading my emails for a tone of thoughtfulness before hitting “send”
- Letting my face know I’m happy – yep, working on looking more approachable
So as you can read, my list (and this is just a partial one) will keep me on my toes.
What are your thoughts?